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Thursday, February 5, 2009

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Hemorrhoids are an uncomfortable and embarrassing fact of life for millions of people around the world, particularly the middle-aged and elderly living relatively sedentary lives. Hemorrhoid treatment can vary from topical ointments to surgical intervention, depending on the severity of the case. Western medicine often concerns itself primarily with targeting the symptoms, and not paying much attention to the contributing factors. Thankfully, the condition can often be prevented with a few precautions.

Hemorrhoids, also known as Piles, are enlarged veins that protrude inside the rectum. They can cause a painful, burning sensation in the rectum, discomfort in sitting, and make bowel movements an unpleasant affair. It is estimated that up to 85% of the elderly population of North America require hemorrhoids treatment at some point. They are often caused by extensive sitting and standing, straining while having a bowel movement as a result of constipation, lifting of heavy objects in such a way as to cause undue strain in the rectum, and possibly be hereditary.

Hemorrhoids Treatment

There is a wide variety of hemorrhoids treatment available today, from the standard Western medical approach to naturapath holistic methods. Each has its own level of risk, cost and effectiveness. Here is an overview:

Medical Hemorrhoids Treatment

The most common treatment is a topical cream which reduces swelling. There are various brand names available over-the-counter, and some prescription only creams. More invasive methods include cryogenic freezing, called 'scelerotherapy', done by injecting directly into the hemorrhoid. Another surgical method is to apply a rubber band ligature, which cuts off the circulation and then they either fall off or are cut out.

Acupuncture Hemorrhoids Treatment

Acupuncture is a healing method which has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Acupuncture affects the central nervous system, and works by focusing on the general health and immune system of the patient, rather than on specific symptoms. Acupuncture hemorrhoids treatment can be quite effective.

Herbal Hemorrhoids Treatment

When using an herbal treatment, it is best to begin by having a warm soak in a bath or sitz bath. Adding epsom salts can help reduce swelling. The Japanese Pagoda tree has properties that are believed to strengthen vein walls, and improve circulation. Bioflavonoids and Horse chestnut are also known to have positive effect. After the bath, ointment containing the herbs can be applied topically directly to the affected area and left overnight.

Diet Considerations

When it comes to finding an effective hemorrhoids treatment, there is none better than focusing directly on diet. This is because they are often caused by straining during constipation, and constipation is a direct result of poor diet. Rule number one is: drink plenty of water. Most Americans are chronically dehydrated, and not even aware of it. Second rule is to eat a diet high in fibre. Great sources of fibre are psyllium seeds, beets, green beans, cabbage, citrus fruits and oats. Any high vegetable diet will do. Also highly effective is to take one to two tablespoons of flax seed oil daily, and drink mild chamomile tea, a natural regulator. In cases of extreme constipation, laxatives can help but they mustn't be taken on an ongoing basis.

The best method of hemorrhoids treatment is to pay careful attention to the diet, and be sure to eat plenty of fibre and drink plenty of water. Use herbal remedies and soothing baths to ease immediate symptoms, but in the long run it is a healthy diet that will be the most effective hemorrhoids treatment you can have.

For more information on this and other Natural Treatment Alternatives, please visit: http://www.Sayanah.com

Brent Craig is a researcher and writer with a dedicated interest in Natural Health Alternatives.

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